We would love to show you a sample of pics to give you a taste of what they have been experiencing.
Below are a couple of shots of the creek / swamp area that have been a productive site.
Hidden under those sticks in the 2nd pic is one of Coy's muskrat traps.
Coy displaying one of the muskrats that he trapped.
Jay, taking a break on the trail of beaver, holding a muskrat trap.
The boys come upon on of their traps and see that it was successful.
They hold up the prize, a nice large beaver with a prime pelt.
Zac holding up a muskrat catch from another location.
Jay holds up two muskrats, just prior to the drying and skinning process.
Coy working on a beaver pelt. After carefully removing the hide from the animal, he scrapes off all the flesh. Then the hide is stretched to dry.
Beaver Pelts ready to be sold.
Muskrat & squirrel pelts, along with some duck decoys hanging in our garage.
For all of those who might be "sensitive" in this area of harvesting animals... rest assure, the circle of life was complete when we took the carcasses to a local farm to be fed to chickens. Yes, fed to other animals, we have not attempted to roast them for ourselves.... yet. But we have sampled eggs from those beaver-fed chickens.